3 Important Technologies That Help to Improve Air Conditions at Home

3 Important Technologies That Help to Improve Air Conditions at Home

Today the atmosphere at our home is more important than ever before as we spent the majority of our time inside. The quarantine mode has dramatically changed the speed of our lives.

Families spent most of their time inside an apartment or a house altogether, starting from toddlers and small children, who either eat, or sleep, or cry, and ending with the adults and older people, who need some concentration and relaxation time.

This social condition helped such a habit as smoking and its modern variation – vaping, to spread with a new wave. People remember their college habit to relax and change their stressful evening in the kitchen to the garden with vape mods.

In fact, the problem here is that far not all the families live in private households and can afford some free space for each member of the family. Especially those in need usually have no private corner and have to compromise.

Even the middle class cannot avoid some inconveniences caused by the smell of vapor from the best box mod for clouds in case they have no balcony or a garden. These conditions make the demand for air conditioning rise within the lockdown.

The point that makes the issue of air conditioning relevant is the soon coming summer. The weather becomes warmer, and the lust for fresh air increases, but it is challenging to keep the house cool and the air fresh during the summer.

This article tells you about the most effective ways to get rid of the unpleasant smells and the most advanced technologies that can help to tune air conditioning at your place so that you will be able to make the atmosphere in your apartment or house pleasant and chilly.

1. SkyCool Systems

In California, the start-up SkyCool Systems turned to the night sky for its cooling technology. In fact, the start-up comes from Stanford University, where it won a grant in 2016. It works because the surfaces are reflecting heat. When explaining the basic principles, the founders tell about the thermal radiation that we usually get from or give to the sky. The systems work throughout the night; it sends thermal radiation into space and makes the air cooler. Also, they use a unique material that reflects the sun’s heat so that you can cool your house during the day. What can be better than a puff of your best box mod in a cool living room in the middle of June?

2. NanoAir HVAC, Dais Analytic, the USA

Dais Analytics company works on a new membrane conditioner for a roof that would be able to use fresh water instead of chemicals. This technology is not ideal only for stuffy, wet summer nights. Still, it can save 30-50% electricity compared to modern roof air conditioners, which would help to preserve natural resources and postpone the drastic climate change that we are all about to face.

NanoAir HVAC membrane technology transfers molecules of water through a patented nano-structural polymer membrane. In general, the device controls the humidity and temperature without the use of any fluorocarbon refrigerants. The membrane unit is blown with moist air that needs to be dried and cooled; heat is removed through a plate heat exchanger.

The nano-membrane provides very fast and selective penetration of water molecules under small vapor pressure differences through hard plastic, providing isothermal drainage of airflows and evaporative cooling below local dew point temperatures. The results of the experiments show that this model demonstrates a 30-50% reduction in energy consumption compared to today’s RTU models. Also, there is no need to use expensive and environmentally hazardous refrigerants.

3. Combined Water Heater, Dehumidifier and Cooler, WHDC

Based on the technical-engineering center at the University of Florida, scientists have launched a new project to create a prototype of a new type of device for climate control explicitly designed for residential accommodation. The experiment should result in a combined unit consisting of a water heater, a dehumidifier, and an air cooler.

The main aim is to provide more efficient heat transfer. This technology improves moisture control in residential buildings, which will increase comfort and significantly save energy, especially in areas with high natural humidity. The technology is topical for the seacoast, forest areas, mountain region, and houses located near large water reservoirs.

The system is based on an extremely compact open absorption cycle in which water vapor releases latent heat into the absorber. The released heat is subsequently transferred to the process water, which cools the absorbent. The solution is regenerated in a stripper, where a liquid heats it. Water vapor generated in the stripper is condensed, and the heat of its phase transition is also transferred to industrial water. Such technology will improve the climate in your house, including getting rid of the smell produced by best box mods.


For sure, using less energy can help to maintain the heat level low. However, modern life faces us with constant industrious growth. New factories are being opened, and the old ones continue to grow. The greenhouse emissions increase each year, the trees are being cut, the world population uses more energy (electricity, gas, heat, etc.). The experts claim that humanity is on the verge of climate catastrophe, and the governments cannot (or do not want to) stop this change because it helps economic growth. Humanity needs massive air purification programs to breathe freely.