The Best Network Automation Tools You Can Try

The Best Network Automation Tools You Can Try

Look into strong network automation technologies for increased productivity and a better user experience. To succeed, you must have a strong sense of humor. In addition to simplifying management, network automation allows you to scale up while saving money. For network automation, businesses must employ trustworthy applications. Additionally, they must be well-versed in the applications’ practical features and the automation’s functioning process. Continue reading to find out more about network automation.

What’s Network Automation?

Network automation uses software applications to automatically manage tasks, including network device configuration, testing, deployment, and operation. Both physical and virtual devices are possible. However, it may always help medium and big businesses increase the effectiveness of their networks. The technology also lowers operating expenses and human error with manual management. This automation helps network engineers and administrators map, configure, and find devices easily. Additionally, it helps you plan for network scale-up and can configure and provision network infrastructure. This automation process may be script- or software-based. Nearly all manual activities may be eliminated with the appropriate network automation technologies.

How Does Network Automation Work?

Programmable logic operations on the devices’ command line interfaces (CLI) are required for network automation. As a result, the nodes may automatically carry out tasks, including network filtering, bandwidth management, and port management. This method’s inability to scale back is its main shortcoming. Most contemporary networking infrastructures contain a central control panel to link and manage all the networking devices for better outcomes. Additionally, repetitive networking operations may be automated using automation technologies and solutions. Additionally, the solutions enable the monitoring and analysis of bandwidth utilization, network inventory management, dynamic provisioning, data backup, changing configurations, and access point control.

Network Automation Tool & How It Works?

The solution that helps the network automation process is network automation software. It can assist businesses in expanding significantly while incurring lower operating costs. An organization may achieve ideal network performance and automate essential functions like backups, compliance, tracking, and management with the correct technology. It offers increased productivity and dependability with all of them. Through mapping, configuration, and provisioning, network automation technologies identify the most effective network management method. Using direct invocation or programming languages like Python, Java, and Go, API-based automation solutions may configure every networking device. During provisioning, these systems monitor network resources and confirm that a network can support a configuration request.

Network Automation Tool Features To Look For

Single Or Multiple Vendor Support

The tools could be compatible with all networking systems or be vendor-specific. Providing the best possible customer service is the only way to get the best results.

Platform Support

The best way to get your business done is to use a SaaS company. You may choose from various models, but the one you’re interested in is the one that’s most likely to be used.

Security & Compliance

The current situation requires you to combine IT and security activities. To demonstrate compliance with requirements, your network automation technologies must provide excellent data security against all potential threats.


When changing network devices, companies frequently must change other infrastructure components, such as firewall settings. The ability to change how a person lives is a given, but the ability to do so is a given.


With other tools you use, your network automation tool should integrate. You might not, however, receive all the features in the API. You should notice this feature while selecting a tool.


Your software may provide visibility into each network lifecycle stage if it offers a reporting capability. Here are some applications where you may use the greatest features of a network automation tool that you now know about. You might find only some of the features you need in one solution; therefore, you need to figure out which one offers the most value in relation to the price model.

The Best Network Automation Tools You Can Try

We’ve compiled a list of Network Automation Tools to help you find the right one.

1. Micetro

Integrated network automation is made possible by the Micetro solution. Using this software, you may export data as needed and personalize your various networks. It also has a strong API that makes integrating different platforms and services simple. With its robust and contemporary features, this API-driven solution may help you future-proof your network. The following is a list of all the companies that offer this service. Micetro also lets you choose JSON RPC, SOAP, and REST as your communication protocol.

2. SolarWinds

SolarWinds offers a comprehensive solution to manage, monitor, and integrate the network automation system, even in a big or complicated setting. While minimizing network failures and identifying performance problems for an immediate solution, it monitors your network performance. The software can evaluate bandwidth and traffic so you may gather precise data for top performance. You may check for any manual or automatic faults in network device setups using SolarWinds. Additionally, it guarantees high availability against OS failures, app failures, and issues with database availability. Additionally, this software offers features like endpoint device tracking, WAN performance monitoring, switch capacity monitoring, and IP address management.

3. Micro Focus

With the help of a few simple tricks, you can make your way to the top of the pile. Automating laborious manual compliance and configuration procedures also makes cost-cutting possible. Organizations may enhance network security by identifying security flaws and correcting them before they can do any harm. Additionally, it offers information on audit and compliance and proactive policy enforcement. You won’t have to worry about meeting audit and compliance obligations. In addition, Micro Focus guards against inconsistencies and incorrect setups, boosting network uptime and stability. By using the configuration modifications, it also lets you find out if the performance problems are connected.

4. Itential

Itential is a network automation solution ideal for automating and orchestrating your manual activities. This top NetDevOps platform offers assistance for both network and cloud infrastructure. Consequently, businesses may minimize manual tasks and streamline network management starting with the first deployment day. Using a low-code API to create a website for a company’s website is common. You may use Itential’s pre-built integrations and workflows to deploy network automation swiftly. You may use the extremely scalable solution to automate any network.

5. BMC TrueSight

BMC TrueSight is a platform that enables quick, scalable, and secure network modifications for agile organizations. In addition to vulnerability management, it enhances security, speeds up network configuration changes, and lowers expenses. With this platform, you have improved visibility that lets you respond to threats across network devices. Its automatic roll-back and change-tracking features are ideal for lightning-fast configuration. Companies may also use it to install new network devices (physical or virtual) and conduct a network audit to ensure compliance.

6. Juniper

Juniper can support you in meeting customers’ needs that require flexible, dependable, and secure network service. With its help, organizations may see less human error and a predictable and durable network can be achieved. With its automation product line, this app offers an automated method to simplify multivendor networks. You receive guaranteed excellent service as a consequence during daily operations. With Juniper Automation, you can anticipate your business demands at every step of the lifecycle. As a result, you may expect to see a lot of traffic on your website. This comprehensive automation package offers simplicity of use, assurance, and cost-effectiveness while managing WAN and Wi-Fi services.

7. Fortra

It would be best if you dealt with the realities of network concerns. However, with Fortra’s network monitoring and automation technologies, you can quickly repair problems. This solution can provide devices, execute provisioning, configure networks, back up data, recover failed services, produce log files, and adjust device settings. With the help of its network mapping software, you can immediately view your network and resolve any issues that may arise. Additionally, you may customize it to fit your social network in real life. A versatile, IP-based network monitoring tool for tracking network performance is also included in the bundle. A network management tool is also available for organizing and managing your IT infrastructure.

8. Motadata

Organizations can simultaneously make their networks dependable, intelligent, safe, and compliant using Motadata data. A unified platform is included with this AI-powered network automation solution to assist you in visualizing device distribution, recent backup failures, failed backup patterns, and many other things. Additionally, it produces reports in CSV and PDF formats. You can deploy setups, find executable changes, conduct audits, and back up data with Motadata. Additionally, it offers you notifications for configuration modifications. The application allows for integration with manufacturers of network devices such as HP, Cisco, Juniper, Brocade, D-Link, and others.

9. Red Hat Ansible

Modernization initiatives frequently experience delays due to the drawn-out and complicated network automation process on environments supported by Red Hat Ansible; Red Hat Ansible presents an automation platform that helps you manage complicated network deployments. Network administrators can connect with the rest of the organization thanks to this straightforward automation framework. Additionally, devices using open and old network infrastructure are supported natively. You can manage the total application burden by incorporating network devices and systems into the organization’s automation plan and using Red Hat Ansible. The opportunity to use a model that isn’t already in use and the flexibility to use it with a variety of devices is a major benefit of this.

10. Resolve

Do you have to deal with provisioning, incident response, network testing, and numerous configuration issues? With proactive network testing, Resolve helps you automate every aspect of the most complicated networks. It instantly lets you resolve network performance and connection issues and save hundreds of hours of manual labor. Therefore, your business won’t be impacted by these problems. The term “instructions” refers to obtaining a license to practice a sport. With Resolve, getting started is quick and simple. Organizations may also keep using their network infrastructure as they scale up.

Consider The Following:

  • Identity Access Management Tools
  • BAS Tools

The Bottom Line:

Sensible network automation is crucial for highly-digitalized business settings since they must accept new technologies. Correct software is needed to make the automation process easier and should be prepared properly. Automation solutions should also emphasize security and compliance to avoid threats and weaknesses. Although the abovementioned applications are strong and well-liked, you may compare them to your business requirements to choose the best tool.