Different Occasions you Need to Wear your Jewelry

Different Occasions you Need to Wear your Jewelry

Wearing jewelry isn’t just an accessory—it’s also an investment. As your collection grows, you’ll have some pieces that are truly one-of-a-kind, and you’ll want to take the best care of them that you can.

1) When it’s casual Friday

Cute and casual on Fridays? You bet! Throw on a cute oversized sweater with some high-waisted jeans and you’re ready for the day. You can even match your earrings to the colors in the sweater for an extra touch of style. This is a great outfit for running errands, too. It’s comfortable and cute, what more could you want? Remember when it’s cold outside: Just because it’s summer doesn’t mean that winter won’t come eventually. There are a few key items that every woman should have year round, like scarves, gloves and hats.

2) Work Events

Work events are a great place for men and women alike to dress up. You may not be able to walk around the office in your suit all day, but taking it off at the end of the day can make for a great time. Women usually have more options than men when it comes to dressing up at work, but wearing jewelry is a good way for both sexes to look professional when they’re not in their usual dress clothes. A simple pair of studs or hoop earrings will do the trick.

3) When Meeting New People

When meeting new people, you should always be wearing some form of jewelry. Jewelry is a great conversation starter, and will make any first impression better. It’s even better if the piece has meaning to you. If you’re at a party or social gathering, this is the perfect time for bracelets or necklaces with nice dangling earrings. You can also go with simple rings that don’t draw too much attention. Avoid wearing rings on each finger because they can come off as tacky or inappropriate.

5) Going Out on a Date

Going out on a date is one of those rare moments when you want to look your absolute best. And what better way to do that than with some fabulous accessories? As long as it’s subtle enough and not too flashy, we say go for it! For example, if you’re going to a nice restaurant or theater, don’t be afraid to accessorize with a dainty necklace and bracelet set. Add a ring or two on the fingers of your free hand if you’re feeling adventurous!

4) Cocktail Parties

If you are invited to a cocktail party, there is no excuse not to wear jewelry! Jewelry is the perfect accessory for a cocktail party, and it’s even better if it’s made of gold. It will set off your outfit perfectly and give everyone a good first impression of what type of person you are. For an evening event such as a wedding, Moissanite engagement rings with matching necklace or bracelet would be perfect. You’ll look chic and sophisticated without going overboard. Also, don’t forget about earrings! The right earrings can make all the difference in making a statement without being overwhelming.