How to Build Your Home Stereo System and Save Money

How to Build Your Home Stereo System and Save Money

Having your own home stereo system doesn’t have to be too expensive. The truth is that with a little patience and discipline you can build your own kick-ass stereo system and stay within your budget. However, one of the main elements is to make a good plan first.

Decide What you Need and Set Your Budget

​We are sure you would already have all the high-quality components if your budget had no limits. However, in most situations this is not the case, so we need to plan our budget carefully.

The amount of money you should spend on a new system greatly depends on your needs and the equipment you currently have. For example, if you already have a good quality AMP there is no need to invest I a new one. The same applies for other components of your home stereo system. Therefore, it’s important to take a note of what you currently have, what do you need and set your budget accordingly and do your best not to go over it.

Sell old Equipment and Stuff You no Longer Need

Selling some of your old equipment is a good way to increase your budget. It can be really anything, from old speakers and headphones to CDs and DVDs, books, toys, clothes and so on. You don’t have to limit yourself to technology only. By doing this you will clean up space and save some money for a better equipment.

Don’t be Afraid to Buy Used Equipment

We all like the feeling when we open our brand new, well packed equipment. However, if you are on a tight budget you can buy some refurbished and used equipment. Don’t let the fact that it’s a used equipment, it doesn’t mean it’s bad. In some cases, even when the product has just been opened from the box and never used, it is still sold as “used”. At the same time most people take very good care about the equipment they have in order to sell it easier when it comes time to upgrade it.

Another good way to stay in the budget is buying an older model. Most often the latest model has just some fine improvements when compared to the older model. In most cases these improvements don’t affect the sound quality.

Here is a short list of the places you can check when buying some used or refurbished equipment:

  • Electronic stores in your area
  • Stereo dealers
  • eBay or
  • Facebook marketplace
  • Garage sales

Buy the Speakers First, then Everything Else

After making a list of the equipment you need and setting the budget you need to decide what you need first. The huge difference in price between speakers is directly connected to the sound quality. Don’t expect superior quality from cheap speakers. Therefore, we recommend you to start with some good quality speakers.

After the speakers the second most important thing are the amplifier or receiver. This device serves to connect all the elements of your home stereo system. You don’t have to go with the most expensive one, just make sure the speaker and power connections are fine.

The third most important thing is the audio source. In case you are using some of the most popular streaming services or you are enjoying your collection of digital music connecting a mobile device to your system is a great option. You can also get quality and affordable DVD/Blu-ray disc player or invest in a turntable if you are into vinyl.

When you have to make a decision which cables to buy, you don’t have to buy the most expensive ones. The performance greatly depends on the construction of the cable so pay attention they don’t look cheap and are well insulated.

Be Patient

You relay don’t have to hurry here. Be patient and wait for the perfect sale or discount. If you want to rush things a bit it will eventually have a bad effect on your budget. You already have a plan, so stick to it and your patience will pay off. Buying used or refurbished pieces of equipment is a good way to stay within the budget and build your own home stereo system.