5 Tips For Improved Infrastructure Security At Your Business

5 Tips For Improved Infrastructure Security At Your Business

2023 is shaping up to become a unique and distinctly interesting year for technology. As technology changes rapidly and significantly, especially in the realm of intelligence/machine learning, the potential for cyber attacks is likely to grow. Whenever a new technology doesn’t take long for threat actors and hackers to figure out new and exciting ways to utilize it to carry out their attacks. This can cause significant issues with infrastructure, cloud security, Network security, and other integral areas of a large business. To get ahead of that, here are several ways to boost your infrastructure security this year.

Improve Visibility

A great way to quickly improve your infrastructure security is to increase visibility. When you have a lot of remote workers, devices can be scattered throughout the world. When devices are all over the place, your infrastructure security can be at risk. To further reinforce remote infrastructure security, you must improve visibility. Consider using a unified security platform to obtain a single view of your entire IT environment. Such an environment can help you obtain in-depth analytics and detect suspicious activity. This type of improved visibility keeps your infrastructure safe from threats and enables you to stay on top of problems before they can get out of hand.

Access Control

Maintaining tight access control over your systems is another good way to improve infrastructure security.  Access control is about making sure that only authorized personnel can access systems, networks, and databases. To prevent unauthorized access, use methods such as two-factor authentication, encryption, and other security measures. Establish a process for auditing access accounts and privileges to ensure that only trusted personnel can access sensitive data. Setting up different user accounts with varying access levels can help keep your infrastructure secure. You can also keep regular access logs and audit them frequently. Regular auditing can uncover potential internal or external problems. Credential loss, successful phishing attacks, and other risks can damage your tech infrastructure. Maintaining strict access control using Identity and Access Management (IAM) and security programs is essential to safeguarding your enterprise from

Use Antivirus

With new types of viruses and malware popping up constantly, it reinforces the need for a strong antivirus program in your organization. Installing Antivirus programs on company devices is an excellent idea to keep assets safe. They’re also vital to infrastructure security. Antivirus programs can detect and delete malware, worms, viruses, rootkits, bots, spyware, and Trojans. They’re indispensable for developing a secure environment on any computer. Adding them to your workforce (especially for those working remotely) is critical to bolstering the integrity of your network infrastructure. An antivirus can be part of a more extensive suite of programs. Along with using an Antivirus, employees should also regularly patch their programs and keep everything updated as often as possible.

Add A Firewall

Firewalls are integral to basic security, whether employees work remotely or not. Firewalls are essential to basic security, whether employees work remotely or not. Firewalls are necessary to filter out attacks, stop malicious traffic, and halt suspicious activity. They keep our malicious attacks, prevent unauthorized access, and block certain types of traffic. Every device should have a properly configured firewall for optimal security across all company systems. It’s such a basic security precaution (and it’s easy to implement) that there’s no reason any company devices shouldn’t be equipped with one before being issued to your team.

Use Multi-factor Authentication 

5 Tips For Improved Infrastructure Security At Your Business

Multi-factor authentication is crucial for reinforcing infrastructure security. Your remote workers should have access to your systems to do their work. With multi-factor authentication in place, users must have two or more independent credentials to access a system. Random generators that help with authentication are also helpful to add another security layer. According to security professionals, multi-factor authentication is the most secure form of authentication and is difficult to breach. It’s also essential to ensure all employees know how to use multi-factor authentication, create strong passwords, and know their roles as they work remotely. Doing so will help with infrastructure security and keep your company’s systems safe.