Best Microsoft Word Templates to Create Payment Invoice

Best Microsoft Word Templates to Create Payment Invoice

Microsoft newly rebranded Office 365 package as Microsoft 365. This bundle isn’t limited to a new name. Among the introduction of Microsoft 365, the company announced Microsoft Editor, Video design ideas in PowerPoint, Plaid integration in Excel, Microsoft Family app, and hundreds of premium templates in the Office apps. Thankful, that should do away with the painful ways of using Word to create Payment Invoice.

You can both create a document from scratch or use the built-in template to begin the work quickly. So, Due to their skyrocketing popularity, the web is also filled with third-party models.

We have previously talked about top Microsoft Word templates to create brochures, and in this post, we are going to mention ten Best Microsoft Word Templates for making Payment Invoice. Now, Download the gorgeous looking templates, edit them, and create Payment Invoice on the go. Let’s get started.

Note: Also, you want to download any of the templates from the below list, then tap on the download button. This will open the model in Microsoft Word. This will be the view-only template, and then you need to go to File> Save a Copy and save the template in PC or OneDrive. Open this File from the same location, and now it is ready for editing.

1. Simple Invoice

Best Microsoft Word Templates to Create Payment Invoice

The official Microsoft Invoice can be too much for some. There are also many options, and the overall look is also dated. That is where Simple Invoice shines. The sky blue-themed Payment Invoice can be the perfect fit for you. This lets you add company logo, name, item description, cost, and more. Also, You can add terms and bank details at the bottom. Besides, it looks modern and neat.

2. Standard Microsoft Invoice

Best Microsoft Word Templates to Create Payment Invoice

The Payment Invoice comes built-in with Microsoft Word Templates. It is a good mixture of Blue and White theme with lines, dividers, and a cool-looking header image. Plus, I like how it provides all the possible details to include, such as Sales person, shipping point, terms, and more. It is one of the best ones to make started if you are a freelancer or have a small business setup.

3. Sales Invoice

Best Microsoft Word Templates to Create Payment Invoice

You can utilize this Payment Invoice template in all scenarios. This looks neat and modern. However, there is a vast space that allows you to add details such as company name, address, note, and many more. So, From the main interface, one can add company details, items, quantity, and price.

4. Service Quote Template

Best Microsoft Word Templates to Create Payment Invoice

The built-in Word template lets you hand out service quotes on the go. And, I love the use of gradient blue color throughout the models. This is an ideal digital version of physical quote books. Many users can add the company name, logo, job title, quantity, unit price, and the total amount. Also, You can end the template with a signature and a thank you note. This looks entirely professional too.

5. Construction Invoice

Best Microsoft Word Templates to Create Payment Invoice

Are you working in the construction business and want to create a quick construction invoice for clients? Utilize this third-party invoice template to give out quick estimations on the go. This model lets you add information such as billing address, date, company name, and much more. Now, I like how the description is categorized in materials and labor and lets you add pay per hour.

5. Smart Invoice

Best Microsoft Word Templates to Create Payment Invoice

Smart Invoice is my favorite one among the built-in Microsoft Word Payment Invoice templates. It is a beautiful looking template with a green gradient theme. Plus, Add Invoice name, company logo, date, address, payment terms, description, unit price, and send out the Payment Invoice to impress clients.

7. Consulting Invoice

Best Microsoft Word Templates to Create Payment Invoice

The with a consulting business should use this third-party consulting Payment Invoice template to make professional-looking invoices. It is simple, uses a green theme, and gets the job done with necessary details.

8. Medical Invoice

Best Microsoft Word Templates to Create Payment Invoice

Medical Invoice is useful in both hospitals and medical stores. It is a simple yet effective solution with relevant details. Apart From the general information, one can add features such as the medical insurance amount, adjust the total, and calculate it. This template also allows you to add notes such as medicine instructions, next checkup date, and more.

9. Education Invoice

Best Microsoft Word Templates to Create Payment Invoice

Because the name suggests, the Education invoice is useful in schools and colleges. Through the admission process, you might want to handout the yearly fee estimations to parents. You can utilize this template to add the academy or university logo, address, date, add a description, and more. This model also allows you to add further rules and comments by the school organization.

10. Travel Invoice

Best Microsoft Word Templates to Create Payment Invoice

If You are Running a travel company & want to create a quick travel estimation for the visitors? Take the Travel Payment Invoice template. I admire the overall look and theme of the model. So, You can add a name, address, places title, booking cost, hotel charges, flight charges, visa amount, and more. Also, Don’t forget to add formal terms and conditions and payment methods in the footer.

Also, Check :
1. Instagram Videos
2. Online Video Converter

Use Microsoft Word Payment Invoice Like a Pro

These Top Microsoft Word Templates are an integral part of experience. So, there is a template for every need and use case scenario. From the Payment Invoice suggested models, which one are you going to use to create fast Payment Invoice? Sound off in the comments segment below.