Content Creators: 10 Travel Essentials To Pack In Your Next Trip

Content Creators: 10 Travel Essentials To Pack In Your Next Trip

Before jumping on the next flight out, content creators will have to pack more essentials than, say, someone on a business trip that involves conferences.

If you’re a content creator, then you need to give room for the tools of your trade in addition to the usual stuff such as travel documents, identification, clothes, toiletries, and medication. Since you’re on a mission to create engaging content, you should pay careful attention to your toolkit and make sure you leave no vital equipment behind.

Here’s a list of travel essentials to pack for your next content trip.

  • Camera

First on the list is your trusty camera for vivid photos and videos. As you’ll be lugging around your camera wherever you go, you need a bag specially designed to contain your primary gadget and its various accessories. A Crumpler camera bag is a good choice as it keeps your gear securely packed while protecting it from the elements.

If you’re off to a picturesque location and you want to go for cinematic shots, then you might want to consider packing a photography drone.

  • Tripod

To make taking photos and videos more convenient for you, pack your tripod. This is particularly useful if you’re traveling alone. As some tripods could be both heavy and bulky, you could opt for one that’s lightweight especially if you’ll be exploring a lot of places on foot.

  • Power Banks And Extra Camera Batteries

Don’t forget to pack your power banks and extra camera batteries to ensure your devices don’t run out of juice when you’re out clicking and filming away. Remember to keep them fully charged as you head out as you might be away from your hotel for most of the day.

  • Extra Storage Devices

As it’s a given that you’ll be taking countless photos and videos, ample storage is of utmost importance. As such, you’ll need an external hard drive that’s durable, water-resistant, and compact to back up your files.

As for SD cards, you can opt for high-quality ones that are smaller in size, shockproof, temperature proof, and waterproof. It should work well in storing photos, videos, and HD video playback.

  • Portable Charger 

A portable or compact charger is another absolute must-bring. You might want to bring a charger with dual USB ports that let you charge two gadgets at a go. Bringing a charger that’s splash-proof, dirt-resistant, and drop-proof would be just perfect.

A portable charger with a carabiner that attaches it to your backpack is also a practical choice as it saves you time and trouble rummaging through your luggage for such a small item.

Content Creators: 10 Travel Essentials To Pack In Your Next Trip

  • International Adaptor

An international adaptor is another absolute need when traveling to places with different charging ports. An adaptor with more than two points allows you to charge two devices at once and is compatible with different chargers.

  • Equipment Insurance

Travelling can be unpredictable as anything could happen to your gear when you’re on the road. As such, it’s advisable to get insurance for your tech equipment and carry the policy with you at all times. The insurance will cover any lost, stolen, or damaged gear.

  • Comfortable Footwear

As you might be on your feet for the most part while capturing content, you should pack your most comfortable footwear.  Depending on your preference, you may go for flip-flops or comfortable walking shoes if you don’t want dust getting in between your toes. A word of caution though—don’t bring brand-new footwear even though they felt comfortable when you first tried them on. It might be a totally different experience after a couple of hours.

  • Pants With Pockets

It may seem a bit rugged for your taste, but a pair of pants with lots of pockets is a practical travel outfit if you’re a content creator on the go.  It allows you to stash your smartphone, keys, and other small essentials within easy reach. It beats fishing around in your purse or bag for hard-to-find items.

  • Notebook

If you’re decidedly old school, you might want a notebook to jot down your ideas for content creation as they come to you. Although you can keep all your notes on your smartphone, using a notebook is just as handy and has a certain nostalgic feel to it.

Bottom Line

Before taking off to create content that’s sure to capture people’s attention, make sure that your toolkit is complete. If you’ve carefully packed all your travel essentials, then you’d literally hit the ground running as soon as you land at your destination.