How to Use X-Ray Inspect Auto Parts?

How to Use X-Ray Inspect Auto Parts?

Nationally recognized for supplying cutting edge X-ray machines, UNI X-ray Company has developed a machine that gives real-time images. With this machine, you can inspect different automotive parts to confirm their quality and safety. Again, this machine guarantees you images that are not only high-definition (HD) but also high-resolution.

The non-destructive X-ray inspection machine from UNI X-ray employs the X-ray transmission principle by taking real-time pictures of the automotive parts in question, say disc brakes. However, to get the results, you don’t have to expose either the process or the workpiece.

Why Do You Require X-Ray Inspection for Auto Parts?

The automotive industry has grown exponentially over time and with this comes the need for not only stable but also reliable cars whose looks have an aesthetic appeal. But because the materials used in making these automobiles are from cast metals, their quality impacts directly on the longevity and safety of the cars.

To assure you the safety of these automobiles, manufacturers consistently and heavily invest in the testing of every workpiece. This testing aims at establishing any possible defects, bubbles and cracks that could compromise the quality of the end product. This is why there’s a need for x-ray inspection for auto parts.

You require an auto x-ray inspection so that you can quickly and accurately identify defects in the cast metal, however minute that defect is. X-ray inspection automatically detects defects with high efficiency and displays the results in real-time. The displayed results from this process are reliable and this boosts confidence in the auto parts.

Remember that any imperfection is dangerous and lowers the metal quality which in turn determines how secure the automobile is. Security of the automobiles is of paramount importance to the users and this should be taken seriously. Using X-ray technologies to determine their quality is a sure demonstration of how serious your company takes this safety issue.

What Kind of Defect in Auto Parts Can Be Detected by X-Ray?

  1. Porosities

As the cast metal solidifies, it can trap air that leads to bubbles in the metal. These bubbles greatly compromise on the quality and safety of the automotive parts. This defect should be identified and remedied to avoid producing a product that will tarnish the image of your company

  1. Thermal Cracking

This occurs mostly in High-Strength Low-Alloy (HSLA) steel during post-heating when the heat-affected zones have poor creep ductility. With an X-ray technology, you can’t miss detecting this defect which is hard to identify using your eyes.

  1. Inclusions

This refers to non-metallic elements like slag and sand which degrades the quality of the automotive parts in production. Luckily, with radiographic inspection, this defect is readily detected and corrected.

  1. Incomplete or Lack of Penetration

As the weld metal flows into the parent metal joints, it may fail to penetrate the joint completely and this leaves a gap in the joint in question. This gap is likely to give rise to a crack when this joint is subjected to load stress. When seen from a radiograph, this flaw appears dark with straight-edged lines that face downwards from the centre of the weld.

  1. Suck Back

This flaw is also called internal concavity and occurs when the weld metal draws up into the weld root during contraction causing depression on the face of the weld or surface. When seen through the radiograph, this flaw appears just like the incomplete fusion one only that in this case, the lines are irregularly edged and have a wide centre.

What’s the Advantage of Using X-Ray Inspect of Auto Parts?

Using X-ray technology in the quality and safety of automotive parts has benefits to the company, the parts and the customers at large. This technology simplifies the inspection process, accurately and quickly capturing results of any flaws whether minor or severe. If left unchecked, these flaws can easily tarnish the image of the company and negatively influence public opinion on the auto parts and the company itself.

Let us see some of these benefits in detail.

  1. High Inspection Capability

X-ray inspection is known for its accuracy and eye for details. The machine can detect imperfections of all degrees, even those that the human eye can’t detect. With this ability, the automotive parts can be corrected early enough to avoid recalling them later when they are on the market.

  1. Easy to Use

The technology behind the machines is easy to use and this makes them integral in the production of the automotive parts. Additionally, this technology can be integrated at any stage of the production process.

To make it even better, the X-ray inspection machines work at high speeds without compromising on the quality of the results. Furthermore, the machines can record and store the results digitally for future reference.

  1. Enhanced Safety of the Automotive Parts

X-ray inspection technology is known for its failsafe ability in the identification of defects in the automotive parts and other products. With this invaluable asset, you can trust the end product as free from imperfections and capable of boosting the image of your brand.

  1. Saves You Time and Money

Human inspection of defects in the products is both cumbersome and costly. By employing the services of X-ray technology, you cut costs in terms of labor and imperfect parts.  Besides, however how trained and skilled the people are, they can’t be as accurate as the x-ray machines. The machines are quick, accurate and reliable at all times.


The use of X-ray technology to detect flaws and enhance the quality of automotive parts can’t be overstated. With this technology, you can identify defects that can’t otherwise be noted by the human eye. Such defects include porosities, inclusions, suck backs, thermal cracking and lack of penetration.

As technology improves, the need for accurate results is immense. This is also supported by a customer base that is more aware of what they want. This customer base can have a damaging opinion regarding your company should they find automotive parts whose quality is compromised. This can be costly to the company in the long run as it recalls the parts and seeks to quell the discontent.