Top Cold Wallets to Store Ethereum

Top Cold Wallets to Store Ethereum

If you have a large enough amount, you should take care of reliable storage. Objectively, the most reliable way to protect funds is to purchase a hardware wallet.

Hardware storage is a miniature portable device with a pre-installed program for generating and storing keys. Outwardly, it may resemble a flash drive, electronic key, key fob or credit card. All these devices do not have a permanent connection to the Internet and belong to the so-called “cold” storage. They are not particularly convenient for everyday operations with cryptocurrency and are more suitable for long-term storage of large amounts. However, if necessary, you can always convert some 0.15 ETH to USD using the services of the exchange.

What is the Best Wallet?

The concept of “best” in relation to a crypto wallet is quite subjective. The best for you personally will be the one that best suits your tasks and a sufficient degree of protection. It’s almost the same as in the tale of the three little pigs, where each of the brothers built a house to his liking. But even the strongest walls without reliable locks would be worthless in the face of a real threat.

There are only two objective criteria: the reliability of the random number generator and the number of possible connection methods.

The random number generator is designed to generate private keys. In case of insufficient reliability, it generates pseudo-random sequences, which can become a loophole for cyber fraudsters. Unfortunately, the only way to test the reliability of a random number generator is to study the experience of already affected users.

Every Internet connection is also a potentially weak link. Unfortunately, precedents for the leakage of user data have already happened. In 2020, such an incident greatly damaged the reputation of one respected manufacturer. However, the team made the right decisions and prioritized the safety of their product. He still occupies a place of honor among the best


Trezor and Ledger devices invariably appear in the first lines of the ratings of the best hardware wallets in different sequences. Trezor released the first Trezor One offline cryptocurrency storage device and remains one of the industry leaders to this day.

A more modern and advanced Trezor Model T has been released since 2021. Outwardly, it looks like a keychain. The device is equipped with a USB Type-C connector for connecting to desktop and mobile devices. On the case there is a color touch display, a magnetic holder and a slot for a micro-SD card.

Trezor Model T supports Ethereum, as well as ERC-20 standard tokens – more than 1 thousand cryptocurrencies in total. However, there is bad news for Apple fans: Trezor is not compatible with them.

Ledger Nano X

Ledger Nano X supports over 1000 cryptocurrencies, compatible with Apple and Android devices. The device looks like a flash drive, for communication with PCs and smartphones using a Bluetooth connection. The wallet is equipped with a battery pack and can work autonomously for some time.

Functionally, industry leaders are somewhat inferior to younger competitors. For example, you can exchange 0.35 ETH to USD without any problems, but you won’t be able to buy digital coins using a credit card without unnecessary movements.

D’CENT Biometric Wallet

The D’CENT device is made in the form of a key fob with a micro-USB connector. In addition, it supports Bluetooth connection. On the body is an OLED display and navigation buttons.

In case of damage, theft or loss of the device, it is possible to restore access to funds using the Seed phrase. The wallet has an additional degree of protection – biometric fingerprint authentication.

D’CENT supports over 1.8 thousand coins and tokens.

If hardware storage is classified as cold, then NGRAVE ZERO can be safely called ice. It generally does not connect to any devices and to the Internet. Deposits and withdrawals are made through one-sided QR codes.


imKey looks like a bank card with a small hole for attaching to a keychain or something. The device is equipped with a small monochrome display and navigation buttons. imKey supports many digital assets including Ethereum, as well as ERC-20 and ERC-721 tokens.