Your Best Guide To Finding An Affordable Divorce Lawyer

Your Best Guide To Finding An Affordable Divorce Lawyer

Getting a divorce is often one of the most painful experiences you’re ever likely to encounter, so it’s important to make the process as easy as you can. Hiring an experienced but affordable divorce lawyer is a big step in ensuring this happens.

Understand The Divorce Procedure In Singapore

Before hiring a lawyer, it is important to do your due diligence. With the wealth of information available online, this is a less daunting task than it would have been in the past, and Singapore is no different in this regard.

The lawyer you hire should depend on the particular circumstances you find yourself in. For example, is the divorce contested or uncontested? Are there issues to consider regarding child custody? What will be the division of the matrimonial property? Depending on your answer to each of these questions you may decide to opt for one divorce lawyer over another.

Prepare A List Of Divorce Lawyers

Check internet forums and ask questions there. Determine what the general consensus is on who is the right fit for your particular situation and you’ll begin honing in on your answer.

Another factor to consider is the emotional costs involved in getting divorced. Judgements can become clouded when emotions are running high, so having a clear understanding of issues such as property, child custody will help when reaching your decision.One of the best ways to narrow your search is to make a list of lawyers, using a process of elimination. Go online and look for adverts and in local directories featuring profiles of lawyers. Use filters too, so you can search by items such as cost and experience. Also, visit the Legal Services Regulatory Authority of Singapore for an extensive list of lawyers.

Keep in mind that even though a lawyer may be cheap, that doesn’t mean they will be the best fit for you – perhaps they can’t empathise with your case in the way a more expensive lawyer could, for example.

Once you’ve exhausted your online options, ask around among friends and family for their advice on who to go with. The chances are, if a person you trust has had a good experience with a divorce lawyer, you will too. Also, don’t dismiss first impressions. If a prospective lawyer impresses you from the start, the chances are they will be a good fit for your requirements (also keep in mind that most lawyers won’t charge you for an initial consultation).

Choosing The Right Divorce Lawyer

When you do meet with prospective lawyers, be sure to ask what kind of legal services you may need, as well as explaining your requirements. Make sure they explain every step of the process, too, and, check the rates the divorce lawyer charges. The last thing you need is an unexpected bill at the end of the process, so get details of the fees you can expect to pay upfront (for the record, you should probably budget between $1,500 and $2,500 SGD).

Make sure you get reassurances of the lawyer who’ll be looking after your case so you know a more junior associate won’t be left in charge. Finally, try to establish a comfortable rapport with the lawyer from the beginning to end of your case.


Hopefully, by taking these steps, you’ll find a divorce lawyer who can take you through this most traumatic of experiences with empathy, expertise and at a reasonable cost.