How Can You Make Free Money Now? 3 Legitimate Ways

How Can You Make Free Money Now? 3 Legitimate Ways

Need some extra money? Even if you don’t, having some would not hurt at all. Did you know that there are ways how to get your hands on some free money now? Some come in unexpected forms, while others are lying around your house. These are the few ways how you can make free money right now.

Passive income apps

Do you have a computer? Or a mobile phone? Of course, you do. Did you know that you can make money by simply using those devices or leaving them be? Passive income apps offer just that. By letting them run on your device, you will slowly but surely earn some free money as time goes by.

Honeygain is one such app. It works quietly in the background of your device (be it a mobile phone or a computer) and shares your unused internet bandwidth with its network. For all of this, you get some free money.

All you have to do is create an account, install the app, and log in. You will receive 3 credits for each 10 MB of traffic that is shared with Honeygain. 1000 credits are the same as $1. The app shares this bandwidth without your input, you do not have to do anything active. It certainly is the easiest way to make some free money now.


A lot of recyclables are going to waste each day. You had likely thrown out a few of them yourself, contributing to the overall waste crisis all over the world. However, you can actually make some free money from it.

Many countries in the world have some sort of recycling program that gives you free money for recycling things that you would otherwise throw away.  Here are some examples.

In South Korea, there is a program called Goyangi that will pay you for recycling your used electronics. They will give you up to 100,000 won for each item that you recycle. This is a great way to get rid of old phones or laptops that you don’t use anymore.

In South Africa, you can get paid between 0.75 and 1.5 rand per plastic bottle that you recycle. With a little bit of work, you could easily earn a couple hundred rand each month.

In Germany, a company called CIRCULAR economy will pay you for recycling your clothes. They will give you up to 10 euros for each kilogram of clothes you recycle. This is a great way to get rid of old clothes you don’t wear anymore. Also, you can get €0.25 for every glass bottle that you recycle. With a little bit of effort, you could easily earn €100 each month from recycling alone.

These are just a few examples of programs that exist in different countries. There are many more out there, and you might even be able to find one in your own country. So, next time you are about to throw something away, think about whether or not you can recycle it and make some free money in the process.

Use your car for advertising

If you happen to own a car, you are in luck. Needless to say, advertisements surround us anywhere we go. We see them on billboards, on our TVs, quite literally everywhere. You can get some money out of it too.

You can use your car as rentable advertisement space for companies.  You can get your car wrapped with the company’s advertisement and in return, you will get paid monthly. The amount of money you make depends on the size of your car and the location of where you live.

This is a great way to make some extra cash without having to do much. You can just go about your daily life as usual and let the advertisement work for you.

If you are interested in this idea, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First, make sure that you are comfortable with the idea of driving around with an advertisement on your car. It is important to be aware that people will stare and maybe even honk at you while you’re driving.

Second, be sure to read the contract carefully before signing anything. Make sure you understand everything and that there are no hidden fees.

Third, be prepared to have your car inspected by the company before they wrap it. They will need to make sure that your car is in good condition and does not have any damage that could potentially ruin their advertisement.

So there you have it – a variety of methods for making some free money. We encourage you to try out all of these and see which ones work best for you. Who knows? With a bit of effort, you might be able to make more than a few bucks without spending anything at all. How great is that?