How To Modify Fallout 4 FOV Mod?

How To Modify Fallout 4 FOV Mod?

Do you want to modify FOV in Fallout 4? The recently launched action role-playing game, Fallout 4 become quite popular. However, it is available for computer and game consoles. On PC, it has lots of problems you might face. If you worried about the default Field of View (FOV) in Fallout 4, you probably want to modify it. By default, the game can’t provide any choices to change it.

Initially, it’s worth noting that sadly, Bethesda can’t provide a choice to modify your FOV (Field of View) within the basic Settings menus.

Rather than this, if you want to modify FOV, you want to move down one of two different methods– amending or modding the .ini files for the game yourself.

How to Modify FOV in Fallout 4 with Mods

How To Modify Fallout 4 FOV Mod?

Due to the Bethesda didn’t enable you to amend your FOV doesn’t mean someone else can’t find a way to allow you to do exactly that.

Mod creator Bilago launched the Fallout 4 Configuration Tool mod in Nov. 2015. But still, it works a treat if you’re wondering about tweaking Field of View, gamepad sensitivity, mouse acceleration, shadow resolution, shadow distance, and lots of other settings.

Here’s how it works:

Step 1: Install or download the mod onto your computer or using the Nexus Mods File Manager and executing it from the Fallout4\Data folder.

Step 2: Back up or recover to save files just in case something went wrong.

Step 3: Head over to the latest Fallout 4 Launcher application, and you should then view ‘Fallout 4 Launcher – By Bilago’ appears as a window.

Step 4: Make a new profile from the dropdown and make sure the ‘Import Existing Saves to this Profile’ alternative is marked.

Step 5: Then, tap on the Settings option using this small window, and you’ll then view the FOV (Field of View) has two values that can be changed for ‘3rd Person’ and ‘1st Person.’

Step 6: Input your required values for these and tap the ‘Save’ option in the lower left of the window to save your change.

Step 7: Then tap ‘Play’ to launch the game using this new launcher, or choose ‘Edit Launcher Settings’ to open the original one.

Fortunately, using mods isn’t for everyone, and if you’d instead just jump into some files and modify some values yourself, this is entirely possible, too.

How to Modify FOV in Fallout 4 with .ini Files

There are various .ini files you want to find to modify FOV in Fallout 4.

How To Modify Fallout 4 FOV Mod?

Both should be discoverable using the following file path: “\My Documents\ My Games\ Fallout 4.” You’re just wondering about these files:

  1.     Fallout4.ini
  2.     Fallout4Prefs.ini

Then, open these using notepad, and look for the following properties:

  • [Display]
  • fDefaultWorldFOV=
  • fDefault1stPersonFOV=

Well, it’s just a case of modifying these values only to your preferred FOV figures.

Once done, make sure you save your modification and then exit the files. Also, load the game, and you should be good to go.

How to Modify FOV in Fallout 4 via Console Commands

How To Modify Fallout 4 FOV Mod?

You want to open the developer console in-game, by hitting the Tilde key (~) while playing Fallout 4. It brings up a large box under your display screen that you can input into. Here, you input the following:

  •     for (insert value for the first-person Field of View) (insert value for third-person Field of View)

Hit enter, and you should then view the field of view modification take place. Make sure that if you input one numerical value within the console, you’ll only modify your field of view within the first-person mode, so you’re good both at once.

That’s all, here are three methods you can use to modify FOV in Fallout 4.

Also, Check :

  • iMovie
  • Panda Helper
  • WhatsApp Web

Final Words:

Here’s all about “FOV in Fallout 4”. Suppose you are facing any issue, then let us know. If you think that it is helpful, then do let us know your suggestions in the comment section below. Do you know any other alternative method that you think we can’t cover in this guide?