How Work Management Software Can Help Brands Through Workflows

How Work Management Software Can Help Brands Through Workflows

When it comes to managing your workload, whether that’s personal to-dos or larger team projects, having the right software on hand can make all the difference to your productivity and success. But with so many task and project management tools on the market, it can be difficult to know which ones are going to work for you.

What is Work Management Software?

Work management software is a digital workspace designed to help you plan, track, manage and organize your tasks and projects – ultimately helping to boost your productivity and improve your collective team’s performance.

Compared to its project management counterparts, work management software is much more versatile and typically contains a wider range of features to help you manage all aspects of your work. It’s common for many people to use multiple different tools to manage different aspects of their work, whether it’s a to-do list app for your daily tasks or a task management tool to track group projects. However, the best work management tools provide the flexibility to help you manage your workload outside the constraints and structure of a particular project – right from your personal planning down to team collaboration.

As a result, work management tools bring together lots of the functionalities you need to track, monitor and execute your work. Some common features of work management software include:

  • Task management – create tasks, assign them to others and keep track of important information.
  • Time management – the ability to set start and due dates to keep on top of deadlines and manage projects efficiently.
  • Team collaboration – assign tasks to other team members and collaborate on tasks via comments or instant messaging.
  • File storage – upload any project files to the software so you and your team have everything you need easily accessible in one place.
  • Kanban boards – many workflows involve teams working through various stages, and Kanban boards are a common feature of work management software to keep teams on track.

Benefits for companies using work management software

Alongside the convenience of combining multiple features together to help you manage your workflows, a key benefit for companies using work management software is their ability to keep your work streamlined in one workspace. Work management tools, such as Ayoa, give you the flexibility to manage your work from start to completion, making it a great solution for remote or distributed teams looking to stay connected and on track.

Some of the key benefits of work management software include:

Brainstorming ideas

Every great project or piece of work begins with an idea – ones which are typically generated in a team brainstorming session. However, with more teams around the world working remotely than ever before, having a tool that allows you to generate and discuss ideas collectively is key to getting your work off to the best start. Ayoa hosts powerful mind mapping and whiteboard features that allow teams to capture and expand on ideas then turn these directly into tasks – making idea generation a fundamental part of the workflow process.

Managing Your Time

Calendars and planners are helpful features to look out for within work management software. Ayoa’s personal planner allows you to easily organize your tasks from across any task board and also add start and due dates to each of your tasks – so you can stay on top of deadlines and organize your priorities with ease.

Track Your Teams Progress

Collaboration is a vital component of any project – and it’s important to find work management software that makes working with others a breeze, especially when working remotely. Ayoa blends its team collaboration features seamlessly right across the app, so you can keep in touch with colleagues at any stage of the project, whether it’s via their instant messaging feature, Ayoa chat, or via task comments. Each task in Ayoa also contains helpful progress indicators, so you can keep everyone in the loop and stay informed of your team’s progress.

Work Your Way

Everyone works in different ways – and with so many different work management tools on offer, it can be a bit of trial and error to find the one that works best for you and your team. Ayoa offers multiple interchangeable viewing styles, from linear Kanban-style boards to a more creative canvas view for tasks, as well as three unique styles of mind maps – making it suitable for teams from all industries looking to work in the way that suits them.

So, no matter what you’re working on, whether it be a large team project or simply managing your daily workload, using work management software is a great way for brands to manage workflows from start to finish – so you can organize your work, manage tasks and collaborate with your team efficiently while ensuring that everything stays on track.