What Types of Customer Support Outsourcing Fit Are There?

What Types of Customer Support Outsourcing Fit Are There?

What are the types of customer support outsourcing? Understanding these categories is essential if you’re to make the best choice for your business. Read on to learn about the different types of support to enable you to make an informed decision.

Technical Support

This level of support is typically more involved. Queries to a technical help desk relate to how a product or service works. For example, if a client is unable to open the software, or a device doesn’t switch on, they might call technical support.

Customer Service

Customer support outsourcing for service-related issues is one of the most popular types. Clients can call the center for general customer queries and make complaints. For example, if a client is waiting for their order, they can contact the support line to track it.

Sales Support

Sales support tends to be more proactive, with consultants reaching out to potential leads. Consultants may also be involved in the lead generation process. For example, when agents cold-call a potential client to sell them insurance.

Back Office Support.

This type of customer support outsourcing is slightly different in that it relates to back-office functions. These consultants may focus more on administrative functions like updating billing records rather than always dealing with the general public.

For example, clients might only speak to these consultants if there are billing errors or queries.

Social Media Support

With this level of support, the team deals with customer inquiries and complaints on your social media platforms and sites like Google Reviews. For example, if a client leaves a 2-Star review on Google stating that the product didn’t work, the agent will contact the client to resolve the issue.

Multilingual Support

We snuck this in because it is not technically a customer support outsourcing category but rather a feature. However, it’s important for many companies today to be able to connect with a global audience in their own languages.

For example, a firm might expand their operations from the United States to Europe and need a team that can speak several European languages like French and German.

Hybrid Support

Most support providers offer a combination of the above rolled into one useful service. The most effective companies work closely with their clients to create a customized solution to best suit the client’s needs.

For example, if you are a company operating only in the continental United States, you’re unlikely to need consultants who can speak German. However, there’s a good chance that you Spanish-speaking consultants might be useful.

You might also wish to have your help desk deal with calls, emails, and comments on social media platforms. The beauty of the current outsourcing models is that most are flexible enough to allow you as much or as little control as you like.

Partnering with the Right Outsourcing Provider

The success of the transition will depend on the outsourcing provider you select, so it’s worth performing extensive research. The company should:

  • have an excellent track record,
  • demonstrate a commitment to outstanding service,
  • be able to provide references,
  • have a robust CRM system that allows call recording,
  • exhibit technical proficiency,
  • be able to deliver actionable reports
  • have the capacity to upscale within a reasonable period

In Conclusion

In today’s business world, the advantages of technical superiority are usually short-lived. You may lead the way with a superior product, but it won’t be long before a competitor hones in on the same space.

Customer support outsourcing allows you to differentiate your company in a meaningful way by improving the customer experience. Choosing the right provider and combination of services can help you improve customer satisfaction and build your business.